Friday 31 January 2014



By using the above method I hope you can solved any problems on allegation.
Ok ,lets see some examples.

Q.A merchant has 1000kg of sugar,part  of which he sells at 8% profits and the rest of it at 18% profit. He gain 14% on the whole.Find the quantity sold at 18 % profit.
Ans:Remember if you used the normal process,it will make you more complicated.just follow the above formula.

Therefore, quantity sold at 18%=200*3=600.

Q.The average salary per head of the entire staff including officer and clerk is Rs.60. The average of officer  salary per head is Rs.400 and that of clerk is Rs.56.If the number of officer is 12.find the number of clerk.


Which means that for every 1 officer there is 85 clerk.
So, number of clerk is=85*12=1020

Q.A  sum of Rs.41 was divided among 50 boys and girls,each  boy get 90 paise and a girl  60 paise.Find the number of boys.

Rs.41=4100 paise.
1=2                                          Boys=17*2=34

Q.Ramesh has Rs.3600, he invest a part of it at 3% per anum and the remaing at 5% higher rate of interest.He get in all Rs.540 at the end of 3years.Find the sum invested at 3% per anum.

Ans: The problem is based on Rate of interest.
            P=Rs.3600     S.I=540,    Time=3yrs    Rate=? SI=p*r*t           540=3600*r*3
                                                                               100                                   100

Sum invested in 3%=720*3=2160.

Q.A  man purchase a horse and a cow for Rs.50000,he sell the horse at a profit of 20% and the cow at 10% loss.If he gain 2% for the whole transaction.Find the cost price of the horse.

Ans:  Horse=20%(profit)   cow=-10(loss)
=>1=10000                  cost price of horse=10000*2=20000Rs.

Q.In an examination a student get 3 marks for each correct answer and loss 1 mark for every wrong answer.He score zero mark in a paper of 100 question.How many of his answer was right.
=>1=25      therefore Number of correct answer=25*1=25

Q.A merchant sold 20 dozen oranges.He sold some at 4% loss and the rest at the cost price.He loss 3% on the whole transaction.Find the quantity sold at loss.
Ans: from the given question we know that, the cost price of the oranges is 0.

The quantity sold at loss price=20*3=60dozen

Conditional questions:

Q.A container contains 80lit of milk.8 litre of milk was taken out and replace by water.This process replace two times. How muck milk is now containing in the container.



Q.In a  40 litre of milk and water ,10% is water.How much water must be added to make the water 28% in the new mixture.

Ans:      Lt(y%x-%  /  100-y%)

40(28%-10% /  100-28%)
=40 x 18/72


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